24 July 2006

A Milestone

What Cancer Can't Do
- Author unknown

Cancer is so limited.
It cannot cripple love.
It cannot shatter hope.
It cannot corrode faith.
It cannot eat away peace.
It cannot destroy confidence.
It cannot shut out memories.
It cannot silence courage.
It cannot quench the spirit.

I have always considered myself to be a very healthy person. Other than allergies and the occasional headache I had never really been sick. All of that changed on July 25th, 2005 when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had to make some choices about my life that I wasn’t prepared to make but I did decide that I was going to have a positive attitude regarding this whole situation. Cancer can mean a death sentence but I made it a life sentence. Even if my days were numbered, I was going to enjoy them to the best of my ability. To me, cancer was a temporary roadblock on this path called life but there were times when I stumbled.

My goal was to be a ray of sunshine for everyone not a black cloud of doom. See, I knew my friends were worried about me but I wanted to ease their pain. By being positive, I let them know that I was fine. I am not sure they would have been there for me as much had I been whiny, with the “poor me” attitude.

What have I learned from this experience? Several things! Without my faith in God and the support of family and friends, I might not have done so well. I have also learned that I am not in control of what happens in my life. The real power is in the ability to control your reactions.

Life throws us many curves. How you respond to them is the difference. Attitude shapes your life ~ positive or negative. I did not choose to have cancer; I did choose to have a positive outlook on life.

Today marks one year as a cancer survivor. All treatments have been completed and the tests have come back negative. Yes, I have a teeny nagging ~ what if it returns? I will cross that bridge when that time comes. In the meantime, life moves on, one day at a time.

“Deo gratias.”

~butterfly angel~


Wonko D. Sane said...

By a placid lake a woman stares into the calmness
Reflections on her past and what is yet to come.
In the shadows the serpent comes closer,
Patiently waiting for the woman

It happened in an instant
The serpent strikes
Poison surging through the woman
Cries of agony disturbs the once idyllic scene

Like quicksilver the venom has done its worst
Gone is where she once nurtured her young
And comforted those close to her

Even on the brink, the woman fights her tormentor
Striking back with only her strength of will
Looking at the serpent she defies all odds

“Look at me, serpent of woe and sorrow.
You may have taken parts of me
But my soul and heart are mine to keep.
Begone, for you have no power here.”

Battle lost, the serpent steals away
Leaving the woman alone
Staring at the water…


EHT said...

My mother-in-law has survived for two years following a diagnosis of stage 4 ovarian cancer so I understand somewhat what you have been through with your treatments. My own mother, who recently passed, actually succumbed to pancreatic cancer though we had no knowledge of it until two hours before her death. It was shocking. There was absolutely no clue. She had been sick for many years due to Cardio-Pulmonary disease.

I really admire your decision to remain positive through your journey and I wish you more good news in the coming months.

Teacher lady said...

Congratulations on your anniversary. Your attitude is so commendable. I only wish that such positivity was my knee-jerk reaction. You're right - you really can only control how you react or respond to what happens to you.

Butterfly Angel said...

Thank you for your comments!

Tense: I hope you have a great year and that you can get stuff "sorted out." I enjoy your writing.

WTS: I have never had anyone write me in verse. I plan on keeping this nearby during the school year.

Elementary HT - Thanks for you kind words. I know you are still grieving but yet you take the time to comment. God bless you and I would love to be a student in your class!

Teacher Lady: My Dad was my role model for being positive! He showed me how to live and die with dignity. See my 6-14-06 post: 'Father's Day' Hope you have a great semester.

~butterfly angel~

Ms. George said...

Blessings on this, the first of many anniversaries of wellness.