13 May 2006

Ice tea....

I became aware of a new product from McDonald's via billboard: Presweetened tea!!! Now is this just for us here in the Lone Star State? See, here in Texas you have to ASK for unsweetened tea. I learned that lesson the hard way. When I arrived here many moons ago, I entered the local bar-b-que joint for lunch (Bill Miller's). Placed my order and asked for tea. Food was delivered, I squeezed the requisite lemon into my glass and proceeded to take a gulp!! BIG MISTAKE. The tea was cloyingly sweet to my tastebuds...yuck, and more yuck. I had never encountered this amazing practice before. I quickly learned that I had to specify unsweetened. I would like to be able to regulate the amount of sugar or chemicals that I want to drink. Personally, I drink my tea with lemon or lime and a bucket of ice! Nothing else is more annoying than to have no ice in your "ICE Tea" along with the sugar. It is not just "Mickey D's" ~ have you tried to buy any pre-brewed tea product that isn't sweetened? Lipton, Snapple, Arizona all sell these products ready to drink. I would like to find a flavored, unsweet tea ready to drink... I can hear you now: make it yourself!!! I do that but I don't always have the time for it.

I digress... I thought McDonald's was trying to project a healthy lifestyle for the ever "growing" America! Are they going to offer unsweet as well? Is it because we are getting so lazy that we can't even sugar our own tea?? Of course no one is holding a gun to our heads, forcing us to drink the vile stuff. Corporate America gives the people what they want regardless if it is in their best interest or not.

Time to make my witches brew, a.k.a. tea the way I like it.

~butterfly angel~


Wonko D. Sane said...

Welcome to Texas li' lady. By the way, we here also like our steaks big and rare, our high school football, and we allow shotguns in the back of our pickup windows.

Did I mention that we have one of the fastest growing populations, top rating on our school standards and assessments, and we are on the bottom 10 list of how we pay teachers.

Weeee haw!


Anonymous said...

Well the reasoning behind the pre-sweetened stuff is this... portion control. That way they can cost the sugar into the tea before you get it. If you order unsweetened, and then need sugar.. well they can't "cost" that in very effectivly. Doesn't make sense to me either. I don't like a bucket of sugar to a cup of tea either, so I ask for half/half and that does the trick! (@Bill Millers anyway)....