23 August 2009

A New Academic Year!

In about 12 hours or so begins a new journey!

How is this one different from prior ones? We have a new captain that works with her crew and shows us respect. What a difference a year makes! I had all of my prep done by Friday evening and did NOT go in on Saturday (yesterday) ~ a first!!!

I am sporting some major bruises incurred while playing ‘capture the flag’ (called the geriatric version by some). Hey, I took one for the team and continued to support them even if this was the first time that a casualty had occurred. BA, the leader even in injuries!!!!

Tomorrow will be hectic as Ms. Perky & I have some large class #’s ~ 35 in a class period???? Hopefully all will balance out quickly…don’t have room for that many desks!

Have a fantastic school year!

Fluttering by,

1 comment:

Robert said...


Looking forward to reading this year's adventures, BA!

Good luck and success to you and your passengers!