Why is it that we as teachers complain about student misbehaviour then turn around and act just as badly in staff development??? Some of us ventured off task (myself included) but a couple teachers were downright RUDE!!! Our sessions were scheduled to end at 3:30 and our presenter, a.k.a. Ms. Slender, let us know from day one that she would honour our time since she is a teacher herself. Dang if some loudmouth had to make comments like: ‘…just so long as we get done by 3:30’ whenever we were working on an activity. Another “charming” comment came when we had a visitor enter and ask if she could address the group: ‘…so long as it takes 29 minutes’ since that would bring us to 3:30! The person must have felt some remorse for that remark as he brought her a bouquet of flowers the next day.
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Our workshop was a presentation from TCI and I have attended these in the past. We have a local gal do the gigs in prior years but this year we had someone else. Ms. Slender hails from Alabama and had a lovely drawl which tended to get bothersome at times. I don’t know how many presentations she has done but I am afraid she lost her audience by the second day. It seemed as though she was trying to pack as much material in as possible and she NEVER let us finish an activity. How could we determine if this was something we could use in our classrooms if it was never completed or if the lesson could be tweaked?? I can tell you that the first year teachers in the audience were overwhelmed and some told me that they weren’t sure they could do the lessons. Of course I let them know how to contact folks that could help them out.
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The workshop was beneficial for Ms. Perky & me as we noted where we went wrong in our instruction last year. We had a chance to do some planning for the upcoming year so that we will improve our test results. Our campus results were down by 4 points and we heard through the grapevine that the powers that be were ‘surprised’ by the final numbers. Trust me, the two us were quite disappointed! I have reflected and know what I need to do for the future. Yesterday, (Friday) we were asked to meet with our curriculum specialist @ the end of the seminar and both of us were a bit concerned since we were to meet privately. Our fears were quickly put to rest as we got reassurance that we were doing just fine. “I know that you are 90% teachers (TAKS %)…what was the defining moment ….the change in administration.” Honestly, I don’t remember the entire conversation except that we were commended for our teaching methods considering it was only year 2 in the content and that we use strategies that veteran teachers don’t want to try. Ms. Perky and I were floating after that and we were able to breathe a sigh of relief! Finally, we can put 2008-09 to rest and focus on the future!!
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Our workshop was a presentation from TCI and I have attended these in the past. We have a local gal do the gigs in prior years but this year we had someone else. Ms. Slender hails from Alabama and had a lovely drawl which tended to get bothersome at times. I don’t know how many presentations she has done but I am afraid she lost her audience by the second day. It seemed as though she was trying to pack as much material in as possible and she NEVER let us finish an activity. How could we determine if this was something we could use in our classrooms if it was never completed or if the lesson could be tweaked?? I can tell you that the first year teachers in the audience were overwhelmed and some told me that they weren’t sure they could do the lessons. Of course I let them know how to contact folks that could help them out.
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The workshop was beneficial for Ms. Perky & me as we noted where we went wrong in our instruction last year. We had a chance to do some planning for the upcoming year so that we will improve our test results. Our campus results were down by 4 points and we heard through the grapevine that the powers that be were ‘surprised’ by the final numbers. Trust me, the two us were quite disappointed! I have reflected and know what I need to do for the future. Yesterday, (Friday) we were asked to meet with our curriculum specialist @ the end of the seminar and both of us were a bit concerned since we were to meet privately. Our fears were quickly put to rest as we got reassurance that we were doing just fine. “I know that you are 90% teachers (TAKS %)…what was the defining moment ….the change in administration.” Honestly, I don’t remember the entire conversation except that we were commended for our teaching methods considering it was only year 2 in the content and that we use strategies that veteran teachers don’t want to try. Ms. Perky and I were floating after that and we were able to breathe a sigh of relief! Finally, we can put 2008-09 to rest and focus on the future!!
I'm right there with ya. When we have our all-staff faculty meetings,I have to sit at the front -- away from my friends. otherwise, I'd spend the entire time fighting the urge to shush them....and/or clock 'em in the cabeza!!
Congrats on your kick-a$$ TAKS results .... you are a ROCKSTAR!!
No offense but those meetings are a joke anyway, it's always the same 'ol crap, ppl justifying their jobs and trying to "teach" us how to get through to our kids... they wouldn't last a day, much less, a week with our "darlings"!
Anything over a 70 in any content area is a reason for celebration... 90% is worth a PAY RAISE!
I must apologize for being loud at times at those mtgs, but ya just have to enjoy the fact that we are not at school with our "angels".
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