20 June 2010

Happy Father's Day ~ 2010

Miss you dad...you may be gone but you are never forgotten!!

18 June 2010

Summer to-do list…

#1 on the list is an awesome trip, compliments of the Teaching American Grant. The topic of study during year two was the Civil War, i.e. causes, etc. and we are heading to Virginia for the following:

***Antietam National Battlefield
***Frederick Douglass National Historic Site
***Ford’s Theater National Historic Site
***Lincoln’s Cottage
***Pamplin Historic Park/National Museum of the Civil War Soldier
***National Museum of the Civil War
***White House of the Confederacy
*** Museum of the Confederacy and Tredegar Museums
***Confederate Richmond/Civil War Dinner & Education Program
***Three Day Colloquia along with the above listed Field Experiences

Needless to say we will be busy but I am excited to take it all in as this is my FAVORITE time period in US History.

Medical appointments ~ better to be proactive rather than reactive!! Also scheduling them during the summer break limits the amount of time out of the classroom; of course there is always professional development during the school year.

Rest and exercise: want to continue losing weight; lost 10 lbs. in a year, the best way to do so is gradually since it is a lifestyle change.

See you soon,

13 June 2010

This day in history...

June 13, 1966 ~ the US Supreme Court hands down its decision in Miranda v. Arizona, establishing the princple that all criminal suspects must be advised of their rights before interrogation.

01 June 2010

Hello internet…it’s been a long time!!!

June 4th marks the end of a roller coaster year!

Ms. Perky and I achieved an 88% passing rate for SS ~ so close to our 90% goal. Honestly, I didn’t think I would fare so well based on some of the population I had.

Ms. Perky and her hubby are anxiously awaiting their bundle of joy ~ early July or earlier in my opinion.
The only constant in life is change and that point has been driven home quite forcefully these past couple of weeks. An extremely close friend had a small stroke while on the way to work. He was taken to a local facility where he did not receive the proper care. His daughter works at another facility and moved heaven and earth to get him there. It was really a touch-and-go situation for while because proper protocols were not followed. No more details BUT if you have a loved one who is sick, please be an advocate for them if they are unable to speak for themselves!!! It has been an emotional ride dealing with this and ending another school year.
