07 June 2009


It’s a one day break with no pressing responsibilities. Yesterday (Saturday) was check out day, and I thought I would be slick. The infamous check list was 99% complete—only one item to be initialed: turn in keys. After that Ms. FL and I would sign and vacation would begin! WRONG!!! I was ready to leave @ 8:15am but since it was a contract day we couldn’t leave until lunch which was @11:00. FL would have been happy to sign us out ASAP and send us on our way. No big deal, I was able to lend a hand to others and got a chance to visit with colleagues that I never really see during the school day. I did receive some sad news: a parent is on life support due to an intentional drug overdose. Her son was in my AVID class and should be again for 8th grade. This is really going to mess him up, whether she survives or not. How do you explain to a 13 year old that it’s not his fault? Please keep him in your prayers/thoughts.

Tomorrow begins a week of professional development which always gets me stoked. It is a chance to learn new teaching strategies, visit with buddies from other campuses and yup, there is a stipend attached! Course I won’t see the additional funds ‘til the end of July. Who knows, I might meet another star teacher like Ms. Perky; we have a position available.


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