08 May 2009

Recap ~ May 4-8, 2009

In years past, teacher recognition day/week drifted by with little fanfare; it was part of FL’s m.o.

This year proved to be VERY different.

Monday-- Goody bag: an insulated lunch bag imprinted with our campus name and motto with a shoulder strap long enough to be useful plus an outside bottle holder. Inside said bag was stuffed with snacks and inspirational messages. Sponsored by the Principal’s Cabinet

Tuesday-- Lunch sponsored by the PTA (Subway sandwiches w/all the trimming plus dessert, tea)

Wednesday—Breakfast sponsored by the Principal’s Cabinet.

Thursday—Lunch sponsored by our Courtesy Fund, served by our CIC’s (curriculum specialists)

Friday—Breakfast sponsored by the Golf Team along with a golf towel as a parting gift; Desserts@ lunchtime sponsored by the Principal’s Cabinet (rather decadent, I might add!)

Along with the above, each of the clubs had goodies for us ~ my favorite was the NJHS gift! Their sponsor is very talented in the arts & crafts department. I will have a reminder of their gift hanging on my wall.

We were really spoiled and it was rewarding to be appreciated; don’t worry I know that there is no such thing as a free lunch! It is easier to pay the price when you know that your efforts are not in vain.

Next week: DIET!!!!!



Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Glad your teacher appreciation week was out of the ordinary. Ours was, um, ho hum.

"Ms. Cornelius" said...

Wow! I got a plastic water bottle and..

a reprimand!

YAY!!!!! As Nina Simone would sing, "I'm feelin' good...."